Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tips for Surviving the Holidays

Looking for ways to beat stress and enjoy the holiday season? Here are a few ideas.

1. Determine a Shopping Budget
For many, gift giving is an important part of the holidays. It is a way to show love and let others know you are thinking of them. But you could easily extend your holiday stress into the New Year when the post-holiday credit card bills arrive. Plan your budget ahead of time, decide how many people you need to buy for and how much you can spend, and stick to the plan.
2. Create a Time Budget
Many people set a limit on the amount of money they are going to spend, but what about the time you spend? Before you run yourself and your family ragged, decide ahead of time how many parties you will attend this year. Choose carefully which invitations you accept and which you decline. Make your decisions based on what you'd like to do rather than what you have always done or what you think you should do. Don't forget to slow down, relax, and truly enjoy the holiday season.
3. Set Food Boundaries and Stick With Exercise Routines
With all of the delicious food at every party you are bound to eat a little extra. Don't be too hard on yourself. Try to decide ahead of time what extras you might allow yourself and how much. Also, stick to your exercise routine. It will help avoid weight gain, combat stress, boost your immune system, and help you sleep better because lets face it, holidays can be stressful!
4. Take Time to Rest
Take time from your busy holiday schedule to rest, relax, and recharge. Don't overdo anything this holiday season and you might find it a little less stressful! Remember, everything in moderation :)

Keep in mind.... massage is a great way to unwind and give yourself a much needed break from the hectic holiday schedule. Be sure to check our website for our monthly specials! (http://www.healthhutch.com/)

We also carry teas and supplements that may help with tension, stress, and sleep. All common during the holiday season. Stop in and let us help you find what you're looking for!

Wishing you a very healthy, happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mammograms: Helpful or Harmful?

Recently recommendations concerning mammograms have changed. It was previously suggested that women over 40 years old receive regular mammograms. Now the suggested age is 50 years old.

Every women is, of course, concerned with breast cancer but are mammograms really helpful or do they cause more harm than good?
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola (www.mercola.com) mammograms expose women to 1,000 times more radiation than a chest x-ray. He also expresses concern with mammograms compressing the breast tightly. This not only causes pain but if there are cancerous cells, it could cause them to spread. Excessive radiation, pain, and possible spreading of cells.... this isn't sounding like the best option! Read more info on this from Dr. Mercola here http://naturalhealthcenter.mercola.com/services/Thermography.aspx
In fact, more and more doctors and other health care professionals are expressing concerns over regular mammograms.
Here is a quote from Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny
" Conventional medicine stopped using routine annual chest xrays years ago because of the increased risk of cancer. It is time for women to understand that routine mammograms are leading to the same endpoint. For each 1 rad of radiation (which is about 2 mammograms) the risk of cancer is increased by 1 percent. Radiation accumulates it doesn’t simply pass through the tissues onto the plastic plate. "
You can read the more from Dr. Tenpenny here http://drsherri.wordpress.com/category/breast-thermography/

So what is a woman to do?

1. Eat well and exercise
2. Limit stress
3. Keep hormones balanced naturally
4. Make sure you're Vitamin D levels are where they should be (important in preventing many cancers)
5. Do self exams
6. Look into breast thermography instead of mammograms

If you have questions or would like more information we would love to hear from you, please give us a call or stop in!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Welcome to our new blog!

We are a health food store (and so much more!) in Clare Michigan.

The store has been in Clare for over 30 years and is currently owned by Denise Mackie.

This is a family run business whose motto is "We Care About Your Health...Naturally!"

You can read more about the store, the family,services we offer,check out recipes and more at our website


Be sure to follow us on Facebook too!