Monday, September 27, 2010

Things To Ponder Before Baby-Week 4

This will be the last week in our Things To Ponder Before Baby series. After going over the birth plan, Vitamin K shot, eye ointment, Hepatitis B vaccine, and circumcision, we will end with feeding.

There are two choices breast or bottle.
Most know that breast is best for so many reasons!

In fact if you are interested in reasons here are 101 of them!!

Here is a great place to start if you are looking for breastfeeding help, The Le Leche League!

There's nothing like milk made just for your baby but if you choose not to nurse for whatever reason you may want to look into organic or homemade formula and glass bottles or at least bottles that do not contain BPA.

You can find some here

Organic formulas are available commercially although you may have to look a little for them. You can do a search for organic baby formulas and quite a few come up. *Just something to consider* Read about soy very carefully before deciding to use this as your baby's food. this article has a lot of info about soy but if you scroll down you will see the section on soy infant formula.

An even better option is to make your own. This way you know all of the ingredients and how it was made. The only down side to this choice is that it can be more work than nursing or just buying organic formula.

Interested in making your own formula??

Here are some recipes - goat milk recipe (goat milk is tolerated better by some babies, this is the one we chose.:)

There are more recipes out there, those are just a few that I have come across.

*Be sure to check with your doctor, dietitian,or nutritionist if you are at all unsure of your baby's nutritional needs.*

Well, hope that helps!

Having a baby is exciting, scary, confusing, and life changing!

Hopefully we have given you some helpful information to read about and research so that you are as prepared as possible before the big day!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Things To Ponder Before Baby-Week 3


Now here's a delicate subject!

Circumcision is not something I gave a thought to before being pregnant. I remember when we were filling out the birth plan and were asked if we had a boy would we want him circumcised. After a brief discussion, my husband and I decided that's what we would want.

I'm so glad we didn't have a boy! He would have changed him forever, and not necessarily for the better, right after being born :(

I understand that circumcision is considered by many to be a rountine practice and there are those that choose circumcision for one reason or another. Some choose that route because of religious reasons, thinking it's cleaner, they were told there's less of a chance of STD's (which isn't true by the way), and some think they just don't want their sons to be different. I think the important thing to do in any situation, including this one, is read and research as much as you can before hand. That way when the situation arises you can confidently state your decision and rest easy knowing you made the best decision possible.

By now you may be wondering why at one time I would have chosen circumcision for a son and now I wouldn't. Wondering what changed my mind?

Reading and research!

Here is an article that explains it all and from a doctor's perspective!

I think it sums it up pretty well :)

Here are a few sites if you are interested in more information on circumcision:

Be sure to check back next week for more Things To Ponder Before Baby!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Things Ponder Before Baby- week 2

Last week was all about the birth plan and some issues to think about before baby.

Hopefully your pregancy was wonderfully healthy, you had/have a good birth plan and support and delivery went/will go as smoothly as possible.

That brings us to what will probably happen next.... vaccines and eye antibiotic for your newborn.

As soon as your little bundle of joy is born the nurses will want to take him or her to check them over and make sure they are breathing right, weigh, measure, wipe them down and wrap them up. This is usually when they put the ointment in their eyes and give the Vitamin K shot and sometimes the Hepatitis B vaccine. (this is sometimes given later or at your first doctors appointment but usually within 48hours after birth)

These practices are fairly normal, conventional, and mainstream but what if you aren't sure about them? Well, that's why you're reading this and hopefully other books, websites, and information!

You should definitely look into antibiotic eye cream and vaccines BEFORE you have the baby and if you want something different than the norm you need to make sure that the doctor or midwife, nurses, and everyone else knows because you may be overwhelmed, tired, or generally not with it right after delivery. *This is also when your support person can come in as helpful. If you don't want eye ointment, vaccines, or anything else that may not be exactly routine, they can be with baby at all times and make sure nothing is done or given on accident.*

Ok, so by now you may be asking why not get eye ointment, Vitamin K shot, or Hepatitis B vaccine?

Well lets start with the antibiotic eye ointment.
Those who believe in using this say that it is important because infection can be passed from mother to baby during delivery and can affect the eyes.

Unless you have an STD that can be passed onto your baby, the eye ointment isn't really necessary. In fact if you read the information given here you will find that the antibiotic ointment didn't prevent infection in most cases anyway, so it seems an unnecessary procedure for most but read, research and decide for yourself.

Next is the Vitamin K shot.
If you tell your doctor or midwife that you don't want the Vitamin K shot they are likely to tell you that it is very important because when babies are born they don't have enough Vitamin K and there is a (small) risk of hemorrhage. Some things that could cause or increase risk includes:

*difficult birth
*use of forceps or vaccuum during delivery
*long labor and more

This definitely sounds kind of scary but here are some things to think about before you agree to the Vitamin K shot-

According to this injection is 20,000 times the dose needed! No wonder there has been an increased risk of leukemia that is linked to this injection!! Also, in addition to being 20,000 times the dose, be sure to read the ingredients, you can read about the ingredients and more here

Large doses (which is routinely given) can cause jaundice, and Vitamin K is normally absorbed in the gut from the foods we eat so injecting Vitamin K bypasses the bodies natural process.

Not comfortable with the Vitamin K shot but worried about the risk of hemorrhage?

There are things you can do!
You can opt for oral Vitamin K. This lessens the risk of bleeding and jaundice without an injection and some of the yucky preservatives. Just make sure you tell your doctor or midwife ahead of time so they are sure to give the correct dosage.

You can also load up on foods rich in Vitamin K at the end of your pregnancy and nurse immediately after birth.

Ok, last but not least the Hepatitis B vaccine.

This vaccine is usually given within 48 hours of birth and if you refuse at that time it will be recommended at later appointments.

Hepatitis B is spread by coming in contact with the blood of an infected person and affects the liver and although it can cause many problems, 95% of people who contract it recover completely, usually within 8 weeks with no lasting side effects.

So you may be wondering why give this vaccine to a newborn? Good question! Unless the parents are infected this is a question many people are asking. Babies are not IV drug users, sexually active, in a high risk profession or any where else they would come in contact with anyone's blood so why give this vaccine??? Another thing to consider, according to Dr. Tenpenny ( if your child develops antibodies after vaccination, most will not retain a measurable amount of antibodies by the time they are seven years old.

A few other reasons that may cause concern....

The ingredients can contain everything from aluminum, thimerosal (mercury), yeast, soy, salts, latex and more depending on which vaccine is given. You can look at package inserts here . Not only are these ingredients not good for a body(especially a tiny one) but with a newborn you can't be certain that there is no allergy to any of the ingredients.

One more thing to think about, like the Vitamin K injection, this is not how the body normally comes into contact with disease, therefore vaccination is bypassing the bodies normal processes.

*Vaccination is a very personal issue and you are the only one who can make the right choice for your family. If you do decide to vaccinate please be sure to read the actual package insert, write down the lot number and expiration date and any other information you can get. Ask your doctor any and all questions and if you aren't comfortable for any reason you may want to consider delaying and researching more until you can feel comfortable one way or the other. Remember, you can always give a vaccine later but you can't take it back once given. If your child has an adverse reaction you need to have that information and definitely report it!! If your doctor won't report it to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) you should. It has been estimated that only about 10% of vaccine reactions are reported!

Oh! By the way, an important thing to be familiar with is the laws regarding vaccination in your state. You can look into that here, you may also want to read their page on recommendation vs. laws

Hopefully some of this information has been helpful to you!

Check back next week to read more not so mainstream information :)