Friday, December 25, 2009


Is fluoride really safe and effective?

That's the question that many people are asking. We have been told that fluoride is essential for good dental health but is it? There are those that say no. This may fly in the face of everything we are told but let's take a look at the other side of the story.

Fluoride used in water, toothpastes, mouthwashes, etc. is sodium fluoride. There are those that say fluoride is naturally occurring but not in this form. The chemicals used to fluoridate water are byproducts of aluminum and fertilizer manufacturing and contains toxic heavy metals that are known carcinogens. The fluoride used to fluoridate water has not been FDA approved.

Another issue some have with fluoride is that it is added to many cities drinking water. For those who wish to have fluoride in this way there is no problem but what about those who don't?

Which brings us to the next question. How much is too much? If you get fluoride from water, toothpaste, some mouthwashes, dental treatments and fluoride rinses, infant formula and even some foods then how do you know how much you are getting? An example used by is that if a person has one Coke and cereal with milk they have went over what the American Dental Association deems a daily limit by 130%! That's not including any toothpaste, water, mouth rinse, or other food!! Too much fluoride can cause what is called fluorosis which can actually cause your bones to be weaker, including your teeth. (Not to mention a list of other health concerns like cancer and more linked to fluoride)

Here is a quote from from a judge in Texas

" the artificial fluoridation of public water supplies, such as is contemplated by [Houston] City Ordinance No. 80-2530, may cause or may contribute to the cause of cancer, genetic damage, intolerant reactions, and chronic toxicity, including dental mottling, in man; that the said artificial fluoridation may aggravate malnutrition and existing illnesses in man; and that the value of said artificial fluoridation is in doubt as to the reduction of tooth decay in man." - Judge Farris

I think this is definitely a health issue that each family needs to research carefully.

To find out more about this issue check out

Friday, December 18, 2009

Probiotics And The Immune System

Probiotics are the friendly ( good) bacteria that can help keep your body's defenses in tip top shape. With over 70% of the immune cells that make antibodies living in your digestive tract it's a good idea to consider adding a high quality probiotic to help keep colds and flu at bay.

Some other benefits to taking a high quality probiotic are

*helps with digestion and digestive disorders
*keeps E-Coli and yeast in check
*improves the absorption and use of vitamins such as calcium and B vitamins
*helps maintain normal cholesterol

and so much more!

So you may be thinking that probiotics sound great and all but why would a seemingly healthy person need to consider taking this? Well, according to studies at the Minneapolis VA hospital, the average person with an average lifestyle has very little good bacteria present in their system. This could be due to the use of antibiotics or other medications, poor eating habits, chlorinated water, or a number of other reasons.

So now you may be thinking about checking this out further. There are a lot of people that say you can get probiotics by eating yogurt but this really isn't the best option. Yogurt you buy in the store is usually lacking in probiotics and even if added, after transportation and sitting on a store shelf there may not be any live bacteria left. Fresh, homemade yogurt may be an option but this may not contain enough good bacteria to achieve your goal.
If you decide to take a supplement you can be sure (as long as it's high quality) of how much you are really getting.

Here is some great information from .
If you are looking for a high quality probiotic this is definitely information to keep in mind!

Just keep in mind, as with most things, you get what you pay for. Don't settle on a probiotic, or any supplement for that matter, just because it costs less. Read the label, ask questions, and be sure to do some checking on your own. That's the only way to know that you are getting your money's worth and supporting your good health!

If you have any questions on probiotics or any other product we would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hibernating is for the bears

With the onset of colder weather, shorter days, and snow covered streets, we eat more and exercise less, waiting for the spring thaw to get back in shape. Instead of having to make New Year's resolutions to lose holiday weight and join a health club, why not set goals to stay fit this winter?

Move Fitness Indoors
Winter is the perfect time to start a weight training program. When it's sunny and warm in summer, you'd rather be outside cycling or rock climbing. When it's snowing, why not lift weights for 30 minutes during lunch? Statistics show that more people suffer heart attacks in winter from shoveling snow, often because they're out of shape. With regular strength training, you'll be able to shovel that snow and get a head start with outdoor sports when spring comes around.

Walk Outside on Weekends
Going for a jog or walk during mid-day when the sun is high is a great time to get outside and catch a few rays. Be sure to dress warmly and drink ploenty of water. Dehydration is most common in colder months when you're less aware of fluid loss.

Take a Dance Class
Accept that invitation to the New Year's celebration or try a dance you've always wanted to learn. Just make sure while you're dancing, you're not hanging around the buffet table or the bar, and your waistline will thank you for it.

Rediscover Ice Skating
Whether it's on a frozen pond or at a rink, ice skating provides seasonal exercise opportunities and is especially good for the legs. And it's great fun, bringing out the kid in all of us.

Consider Snowshoeing
Snowshoeing is just a matter of strapping snowshoes to your boots and walking. Snowshoes make hiking trails and snowy city parks accessible.
Other fun winter activities include skiing, snowboarding, and water aerobics.

No matter what you choose to do be careful and most of all have fun!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Considering Vaccination?

Vaccination is definitely a hot debate.

Some believe vaccinations are necessary and seem to have no reservations, some choose to selectively vaccinate and then there are those that do not vaccinate at all. As Americans we have this choice and we are able to choose what we believe is best for our children and our families. No matter what you choose, a well rounded education and knowing the laws in your state are very important. In order to have a well rounded education on this subject it is important to read information from reliable sources from both sides. It is fairly simple to obtain information on the pro-vaccine side, you can find this information from your doctor, the CDC, the FDA and others. But what about the other side? Those that say vaccines are not as effective as we're told, have no long term testing, contain harmful substances, and more. This information, although becoming more mainstream, is still not as well known. That is the the point of this writing, to shed some light on lesser known information. Although we at The Health Hutch are not for or against vaccination (we believe in every persons right to choose) we do believe that both sides should be considered before making any decision.
Here is an excerpt from a very interesting article from (the article is from Dr. Whitaker, ) This article discusses vaccines, autism, and developmental disorders.

" Physicians talked about the appalling lack of safety and efficacy data for the HPV and influenza vaccines. Experts compared vaccination policies in the US and abroad and pointed out that American kids get more vaccines and are worse off than those in other countries."

Click here to read on....

The next article by Jennifer Margulis is from Mothering Magazine and is quite long but does a great job of showing both sides.
Interested? Read it here!

So there are a few interesting articles but you may be wondering where to find more reliable information.
Here are a few sites you may want to look into: - this is an excellent site for information. You can also use this site to look up laws in your state. - great resource for information -this website has a lot of information about autism but also about ADHD, vaccines, and scientific news -this site is specifically for information in Michigan

These are just a few articles and websites to start with. If you or someone you know is wrestling with the issue of vaccination here are a few suggestions.

Take one thing at a time and don't overwhelm yourself. Find out which vaccine(s) your child is supposed to receive next. Look up these vaccines first. Learn what the side effects are, how prevalent the disease is in your area, how the disease is treated (both vaccinated and non vaccinated people can contract these diseases), and signs and symptoms of this disease. Once you've made a decision then move onto the next. If you are unsure of any vaccine and are told your child is due consider rescheduling the appointment or explaining you need more time to make a decision. Don't be rushed, you can always give a vaccination later if you choose, you can't take it back once it's given.

If you choose to vaccinate or selectively vaccinate, be sure to read the actual vaccine insert, consider only giving one vaccine at a time, and record the batch number and vaccine manufacturer.

We have many more resources that are not included here.
If you would like additional information, websites, or books please let us know. We would love to share!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Natural help for ear infections

Does your little one have ear infections?

Are you tired of doctors visits and antibiotics?

Check out this article from Mothering magazine, it has great info about possible causes, things to check into, and how to naturally treat ear infections!

Friday, December 4, 2009

December 2009 Newsletter and Specials!

Bodyworks by Amy
balance for

*December Specials*

Ease tension, reduce pain, improve flexibility
Enjoy a 1 hour massage
Warm up with a hot stone massage and melt away!

Start with a warm foot soak (with hot stones!) then a gentle exfoliation,
next a 30 minute massage
Gift certificates are available in any amount and make great gifts!
It's full of info for the season :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wacky Wednesday (our sale day)

Be sure to put this on your to do list!

Tomorrow is the first Wednesday of the month.

It's our sale day!

This means that you will save 20%!*

Who couldn't use a savings, especially this time of year?

Don't forget, tomorrow save 20%* at The Health Hutch!!

*exclusions apply

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tips for Surviving the Holidays

Looking for ways to beat stress and enjoy the holiday season? Here are a few ideas.

1. Determine a Shopping Budget
For many, gift giving is an important part of the holidays. It is a way to show love and let others know you are thinking of them. But you could easily extend your holiday stress into the New Year when the post-holiday credit card bills arrive. Plan your budget ahead of time, decide how many people you need to buy for and how much you can spend, and stick to the plan.
2. Create a Time Budget
Many people set a limit on the amount of money they are going to spend, but what about the time you spend? Before you run yourself and your family ragged, decide ahead of time how many parties you will attend this year. Choose carefully which invitations you accept and which you decline. Make your decisions based on what you'd like to do rather than what you have always done or what you think you should do. Don't forget to slow down, relax, and truly enjoy the holiday season.
3. Set Food Boundaries and Stick With Exercise Routines
With all of the delicious food at every party you are bound to eat a little extra. Don't be too hard on yourself. Try to decide ahead of time what extras you might allow yourself and how much. Also, stick to your exercise routine. It will help avoid weight gain, combat stress, boost your immune system, and help you sleep better because lets face it, holidays can be stressful!
4. Take Time to Rest
Take time from your busy holiday schedule to rest, relax, and recharge. Don't overdo anything this holiday season and you might find it a little less stressful! Remember, everything in moderation :)

Keep in mind.... massage is a great way to unwind and give yourself a much needed break from the hectic holiday schedule. Be sure to check our website for our monthly specials! (

We also carry teas and supplements that may help with tension, stress, and sleep. All common during the holiday season. Stop in and let us help you find what you're looking for!

Wishing you a very healthy, happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mammograms: Helpful or Harmful?

Recently recommendations concerning mammograms have changed. It was previously suggested that women over 40 years old receive regular mammograms. Now the suggested age is 50 years old.

Every women is, of course, concerned with breast cancer but are mammograms really helpful or do they cause more harm than good?
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola ( mammograms expose women to 1,000 times more radiation than a chest x-ray. He also expresses concern with mammograms compressing the breast tightly. This not only causes pain but if there are cancerous cells, it could cause them to spread. Excessive radiation, pain, and possible spreading of cells.... this isn't sounding like the best option! Read more info on this from Dr. Mercola here
In fact, more and more doctors and other health care professionals are expressing concerns over regular mammograms.
Here is a quote from Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny
" Conventional medicine stopped using routine annual chest xrays years ago because of the increased risk of cancer. It is time for women to understand that routine mammograms are leading to the same endpoint. For each 1 rad of radiation (which is about 2 mammograms) the risk of cancer is increased by 1 percent. Radiation accumulates it doesn’t simply pass through the tissues onto the plastic plate. "
You can read the more from Dr. Tenpenny here

So what is a woman to do?

1. Eat well and exercise
2. Limit stress
3. Keep hormones balanced naturally
4. Make sure you're Vitamin D levels are where they should be (important in preventing many cancers)
5. Do self exams
6. Look into breast thermography instead of mammograms

If you have questions or would like more information we would love to hear from you, please give us a call or stop in!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Welcome to our new blog!

We are a health food store (and so much more!) in Clare Michigan.

The store has been in Clare for over 30 years and is currently owned by Denise Mackie.

This is a family run business whose motto is "We Care About Your Health...Naturally!"

You can read more about the store, the family,services we offer,check out recipes and more at our website

Be sure to follow us on Facebook too!